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Best selling snus

From 9.99$ / roll
Snus with quick delivery
When ordering snus online, you have a wider selection of snus types and flavors than you can usually find in a tobacconist store and with a price that is constantly updated. Buy snus at SnusPort and we can guarantee a delivery within 1-2 days. You can find snus of all kinds and with many different flavors: loose snus, portion, white portion – strong snus and with normal strength. Portion snus is the largest category of snus and with the most varieties. Here you can find snus with pure tobacco flavor or with a taste of berries.
Slim or regular snus?
Here at SnusPort you will find portion snus in different sizes so you can order the ones that suits you best. The loose snus is the original type of snus that began to be manufactured in the early 1800s. Several of the snus have been around for decades and are still manufactured according to the recipient’s recipe. Loose snus is considered by many to be “the real snus” and is the basis for Swedish snus traditions.
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